(Almost) everything you need to repair Windows problems in one small handy tool.

Windows Repair Toolbox (freeware) is a portable program that helps you repair a Windows system, by making the process faster, easier, and more consistent.

– Download and run “on-the-fly” the best free software when it comes to diagnosing and solving several kinds of Windows problems. With three exceptions, all the programs included in the toolbox are portable. The tools are categorized by their function, and the program will automatically download the correct version for the Windows edition in which you’re working. Additionally, it will also help you keep those tools updated. Important note: some of the tools may trigger false positive alerts from your AV (e.g.: the Nirsoft tools).

– Ability to download all the tools at once (and to keep them updated) with 1-click so that you can use the toolbox in offline computers, or simply to have all the tools already downloaded in advance.

– Ability to select several tools to run successively in unattended mode, to perform malware removal, system cleaning and repair. An email letting you know that the process is complete, and containing the logs, can be sent to you.

– Displays relevant information about the computer to be repaired: CPU temperature, name and % time; amount of RAM installed on the system and % of use; Disk model, capacity, basic health check; amount of free space left in the system partition; Windows edition and install date; System boot time; and more.

– Contains functionality to easily run the most used chkdsk, sfc and DISM commands, a GUI for the Sysinternals Suite, and gives access to Antivirus Removal Tool, a program from the developer of Windows Repair Toolbox to help identify and remove current and past (leftovers) antivirus installations.

– Allows you to add your own favorite tools to the program.

– Allows you to change the program icon and title bar text.

– Allows you to perform quality assurance tests after the repair is complete.

– Allows you to save notes about the repair process.

– Provides 1-click access to some useful Windows tools.

Disclaimer (read carefully):
By running Windows Repair Toolbox, you accept COMPLETE responsibility for ANYTHING that happens. This tool has ZERO WARRANTY for any purpose. Run it AT YOUR OWN RISK.

All third-party tools you might download using Windows Repair Toolbox belong to their respective owners and authors and are bound by their respective licences. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to determine if you have the rights to use those third-party tools in whatever environment you use this software.

Requirements: Windows 7 through Windows 11.

Click to download the latest version of WRT (7.1 MB)
-The program doesn’t require installation, just extract it to a folder-
Program version: (14.12.2024)
Definitions version: (02.03.2025)

Downloads: 3,581,063
SHA256 (zip): B24C86D2CD42E40BA20DE4AC31C59FFFC1661307F9F3075B069EBA0595BD785D

Windows Repair Toolbox is free to use. If you’d like to support it, please consider making a donation by clicking below:

Thank you!

If you like this tool, also check out my other free program: Antivirus Removal Tool.

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